
I am an astrophysicist by training, and I stepped away from research in 2017 to concentrate full-time on outreach and science commincation. I currenly lead the public engagement program at the Institute of Astronomy, which includes running our schools outreach programme, winter stargazing evenings, Cambridge Festival events, and more.

A big part of my day job is visiting schools, giving talks to pupils of all ages to share the excitement of astronomy research! I speak to around 3000 young people per year, from primary schools to 6th formers. If you would like to arrange a visit for your school, please get in touch.

I lead the IoA's flagship AstroEast program, which provides curriculum-based activities to schools across the East of England. We use the excitement of astronomy to improve numeracy and literacy and inspire the next generation of scientists. Our carefully-designed series of workshops are aimed at Key Stage 3 (year 7-9). Focussing on the inspiring field of planets and life in the Universe, students will learn how astronomers hunt for planets, and get hands-on experience with software coding and real data. If you would like to discuss your school joining AstroEast, please contact outreach@ast.cam.ac.uk.